Varya Perimeter

Varya Perimeter

Unique RFID wireless perimeter fence guarding system. Certification: security level 4 according to the European standard CELEX 32017D1483. Direct, precise guidance of PTZ cameras. Minimal installation and subsequent maintenance costs. Battery capacity approx. 8 years.

Bootstrap Carousel

Varya Perimeter

FLA detector

The FLA-07 detector is designed for perimeter protection and is suitable for any standard type of fence (mesh). The detector can detect climbing over fence, cutting through fence, or inclination of fence and climatic influences (wind, hail, etc.). This detector can also be used to guard objects in "object guarding" mode. The FLR receiver is used to switch the detector into this mode.

FLA-07 detectorFLA-07 detector

Basic features of FLA-07

Differences from the FLA-06 detector

Design dimensions

Fig. 3a - FLA-07 detector design dimensionsFig. 3a - FLA-07 detector design dimensions

Fig. 3b - FLA-07 detector rear side with T30 mounting partFig. 3b - FLA-07 detector rear side with T30 mounting part

FLA-07 variants

type detector design limitations note
FLA-07 stadard design   working radio band: 868 MHz (band for Europe)
FLA-07k stadard design   working radio band: 920 MHz (band for South Korea, USA)
FLA-07io logical binary input   Cable length: 2 m. Cable length can be specified in the order. Max. 10 m.(4)
  Double balance input    
  logical output type "open collector"(5) max. 200 mA / 20 V Uc max = 20 V (max. switching voltage)
FLA-07ip logical binary input   Cable length: 2 m. Cable length can be specified in the order. Max. 10 m.(4)
  Double balance input    
  logical ouput type "+Ucc"(5) max. 200 mA / 3.6 V Allowed load: resistive only, not inductive!
FLA-07s SMA connector(3) for external antenna   The detector doesn't have a security classification of 4-high risk!
FLA-07b for guarding objects - paintings Anarya only IP41, material: PVC, dimensions: 74x(55+15)x12 mm, RF channel=23
FLA-07c for guarding objects Anarya only IP66, material: ASA/TPE, dimensions: 55x46x17 mm, RF channel=23

Variant product design of FLA-07Variant product design of FLA-07

Usage of FLA-07io's double balance input

Fig. 3fFig. 3f

FLA-07 battery-pack

The detector's electronics are sealed with a special material to resist climatic influences. Two special ER18505H batteries are replaceable by opening the detector's plastic back cover. The battery pack is soldered to the detector with two wires. When replacing the battery pack, it is imperative to follow the procedure outlined in the document "FLA-07_battery_pack_replacement_procedure_EN" available at in the Manuals section.

Fig. 7f - Battery pack of the FLA-07 detectorFig. 7f - Battery pack of the FLA-07 detector

Mounting parts for FLA-07 detectors

Fig. 4bFig. 4b

Fig. 4cFig. 4c

Mounting parts for FLA detectors

USB RFID FLR receiver for measurement and configuration of RFID detectors.

Fig. 18 - RFID FLR-03 receiver Fig. 18 - RFID FLR-03 receiver

The FLR receiver is mandatory equipment of each trained instalation technician. It is used to measure and diagnose the system, to measure RSSI radio signals, and to change the detector ID and other parameters. Details are described in the Varya Perimeter configuration manual. Perimon software is an integral part of FLR.

Method of installing detectors on a wall for the purpose of signal retransmission

The wall-mounted detectors are only used to retransmit the signal in the perimeter. They are configured so that they don't trigger an alarm in case of shocks (during wind, etc.), but only the FLA tamper detection is set in them to detect their dismantle from the wall by an intruder. The brackets provide the necessary distance of the detector from the wall of about 20 cm. Brackets for FLA-06 can be special-ordered, see Ronyo price list.

Fig. 6a - FLA-07 bracketFig. 6a - FLA-07 bracketFig. 6b - FLA-07 bracketFig. 6b - FLA-07 bracket

FLG detector

The FLG-07 detector is designed for perimeter protection of the gate (door). The detector consists of a pair of FLG-07 modules in combination with a MAG-M1 or M2 magnet (M3 magnet supplied on request). The shock sensor in FLG-07 detector works exactly the same as the one in FLA-07 detector. In addition, it has an integrated sensor that measures magnetic intensity of the magnet pair. The FLG-07 detector enables to detect the opening of the gate even if the intruder opens the gate very gently, without shaking. This detector can also be used to guard objects in the "object protection" mode.

Detektor FLGDetektor FLG

Basic features of FLG-07

Differences from the FLG-06 detector:

Variant design of FLG-07

obr. 2a - FLG-07, 868 MHzobr. 2a - FLG-07, 868 MHz

Fig. 2d - Rear side without cover partFig. 2d - Rear side without cover part

Example of FLG-07 detector installation on a gate

The FLG-07 detector measures the distance of reference magnet in the MAG-M1 complementary part with centimeter accuracy. Based on this measurement, it can detect precisely defined limit when the door is in the "open" state and when it is in the "closed" state. If another duplicate magnet gets near the detector, the detector will trigger a magnetic sabotage. The FLG-07 detector is installed on the moving part of the gate so that the detector can simultaneously detect vibrations and tilt on the gate when the intruder climbs over the gate.

Working pitches and types of magnets

The FLG-07 detector is always installed on the moving part of the gate, so that the detector can simultaneously detect shocks and tilt on the gate when the intruder climbs over the gate.

Fig. 5 - Working pitches of the FLG detector with MAG-M1 magnetFig. 5 - Working pitches of the FLG detector with MAG-M1 magnet

Fig. 6 - Working pitches of the FLG detector with MAG-M2 magnetFig. 6 - Working pitches of the FLG detector with MAG-M2 magnet
